
Hmmm, what to say?

I’m a native Southern Californian who lived in the South (Atlanta) for 17 years and now reside in NE Ohio. I’m a PCUSA pastor serving a wonderful congregation that keeps me thinking, and pondering, and praying, and laughing, and crying, and…

Pilgrimage is a powerful experience for me that happens not just in foreign lands.  Remaining open to the intersections of faith and life can happen anywhere and anytime.

I feel the need to include a disclaimer that I’m not that kind of Christian – you know, the ones who can too easily box up and label. At times I’m pretty middle of the road, other times I’m darn liberal and some would say I’m way too conservative.  Ah, the beauty of context!

1 thought on “Me”

  1. I LOVE the title of your blog…and the poem it came from.

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